How to Recognize Symptoms of Autism in a Child

How to Recognize Symptoms of Autism in a Child

Today, autism affects numerous children, and there are various levels of severity as well. There are many possibilities of the cause of autism such as environmental, time of exposure, and genetics however nothing is quite determined to be the culprit. Recent studies have shown that approximately 1 in every 100 children will have autism. Autism in children is usually diagnosed at around the age of three or before.

There are times where signs and symptoms of autism can go unrecognized by the parents if they are not very obvious. Asperger is one of those high functioning autism types that do not show symptoms that are very obvious, apart from that; the classic autism signs are somewhat visible. There are ways to pick up these signs and symptoms of autism regardless of which type of autism the child has.  It is imperative to diagnose autism as early as possible that’s why parents need to be more informed about this disorder.


Social skills that are affected by autism include poor eye contact, failure to respond to their name, appear to ignore you, don’t want to be cuddled or held, prefer to play alone. Your child may also be sensitive to lights and sounds that are louder than usual. They may also find it difficult to interact with others and usually withdraw when a lot of family or friends are around them.


Language skills that are affected by autism include no talking after the age of two years old even though the child may have already spoken some words, they may loses what language they have developed over the years. An autistic child usually has one tome with their voice when they speak, almost like a robot.


Behavior skills that are affected by autism include they may be slow in their movements, performing repetitive motions, for example, rocking, may yell out or get loud, may demonstrate signs of frustration when their schedule is not kept, moves around always, and is fascinated by parts of a moving object. They are also very sensitive to touch.


Many researchers and health care providers believe that autistic features can be seen in babies. Immediately parents see any possible symptoms of autism in their child; they should get it diagnosed as quickly as possible. By taking a quick step can help the child get treatment at an earlier age and improve the child’s life. Normally, children with autism are diagnosed by the age of three, though some may be earlier.

Early treatment is the best for both the child and parent although there is no cure for autism. There are many clinical and research studies being analyzed to help health care providers, educators and parents come up with better solutions to treat and manage it. Everyone agrees that acknowledging the signs of autism and getting early preventative care is necessary for a child’s development. And for this reason, every parent should be ahead in recognizing the signs and symptoms of autism.